News & Articles

Return to Sport Following ACL Reconstruction: What You Need to Know
Learn how to safely return to sport after ACL reconstruction. Discover how lateral extra-articular procedures (LEAP) reduce re-injury rates and boost psychological readiness. Understand the role of post-operative physiotherapy and return to sport testing for a successful recovery.

The ACL injury guide
This guide goes through some of the common questions that I get asked about an ACL injury. As a patient, it is important to have the right expectations about the injury and surgery so you can prepare yourself for the journey ahead.

Return to play testing after ACL reconstruction: Is 1 year too soon?
Discussing realistic expectations about a safe return to playing sport after having an ACL tear and subsequent ACL reconstruction. Is 1 year after ACL reconstruction too soon? Will this risk a reinjury to the ACL graft?

Lateral tenodesis for ACL injury: Do you need one?
A lateral tenodesis is a procedure performed with ACL reconstruction surgery that improves the rotational stability of the knee and has been shown to decrease the risk of your ACL graft failing.